Insurance Upgrades for Your Residential Property Improvements

Are you getting ready to make improvements to your home and land? If the answer is yes, you may wish to purchase upgraded insurance products to protect your investments.

Use Value

Consider the use value of the improvements that you will be making. The manner in which you use your property may affect which type of insurance product you need.

For instance, if you are investing in a new pool, it may be in your best interest to purchase liability insurance. This type of protection will cover injuries and damage that occur when the water feature is installed on your property.

Project Analysis

Conduct an analysis of the project you are pursuing. This analysis will help you determine which materials and tools will be needed to complete the improvements you have in mind. Your upgraded home insurance policy should include the additional items that are being used for the project.

Security Measures

Consider ways to preserve the property improvements that will be made. Security equipment will protect loose items from theft and vandalism. Installing fencing and surveillance cameras is another way to safeguard the new items that you have added to your land or home.

Once you have chosen some security measures, it will be your responsibility to ensure that your home insurance policy reflects these measures.

Contact Options Insurance Agency

Contact an agent who serves Hershey, PA, for assistance with upgrading your home insurance policy. During a meeting with an agent representing the Options Insurance Agency, you can outline the property improvements you intend to make. This will guide the agent in recommending insurance upgrades for your existing home insurance policy.

Home Insurance: How to File a Claim

Easing Home Damage Claims With Options Insurance Agency

Home damage can be a significant stressor, but you can ensure fair compensation for your losses with a clear understanding of efficiently filing an insurance claim. Options Insurance Agency in Hershey, PA, is dedicated to simplifying this process and helping homeowners confidently navigate claims.

Mitigating Further Damage

Firstly, upon noticing damage to your home, it’s essential to prevent additional damage from happening. This could mean turning off the water supply in case of a plumbing issue or covering a leaky roof with a tarp to prevent water ingress—different situations call for different mitigations. Always bear in mind that your insurance policy obliges you to mitigate further damage wherever possible.

Reach Out to Your Insurance Agent

Your next step is to contact your insurance agent. They’ll guide you through steps such as documenting damage and submitting a claim online. At Options Insurance Agency, our agents regularly guide clients through these processes.

Documenting the Damage

Accurate documentation of all damage is a critical component of your claim. Take comprehensive photos or videos of all affected areas and items. This visual evidence will help your insurance company quantify the extent of the damage accurately.

Keep All Receipts

Retaining receipts for all damage-related expenses, such as materials for temporary repairs or payments made to professionals for damage prevention, is crucial. Many insurance policies cover these expenses, and having a detailed account will facilitate a smoother reimbursement process.

Filing the Claim

Knowing how to file a home insurance claim correctly can be a lifesaver. If you’re in Hershey, PA, and need help or have queries about your home insurance claim, feel free to contact Options Insurance Agency. We are here to help.

Home Insurance: How to File a Claim

Easing Home Damage Claims With Options Insurance Agency

Home damage can be a significant stressor, but you can ensure fair compensation for your losses with a clear understanding of efficiently filing an insurance claim. Options Insurance Agency in Hershey, PA, is dedicated to simplifying this process and helping homeowners confidently navigate claims.

Mitigating Further Damage

Firstly, upon noticing damage to your home, it’s essential to prevent additional damage from happening. This could mean turning off the water supply in case of a plumbing issue or covering a leaky roof with a tarp to prevent water ingress—different situations call for different mitigations. Always bear in mind that your insurance policy obliges you to mitigate further damage wherever possible.

Reach Out to Your Insurance Agent

Your next step is to contact your insurance agent. They’ll guide you through steps such as documenting damage and submitting a claim online. At Options Insurance Agency, our agents regularly guide clients through these processes.

Documenting the Damage

Accurate documentation of all damage is a critical component of your claim. Take comprehensive photos or videos of all affected areas and items. This visual evidence will help your insurance company quantify the extent of the damage accurately.

Keep All Receipts

Retaining receipts for all damage-related expenses, such as materials for temporary repairs or payments made to professionals for damage prevention, is crucial. Many insurance policies cover these expenses, and having a detailed account will facilitate a smoother reimbursement process.

Filing the Claim

Knowing how to file a home insurance claim correctly can be a lifesaver. If you’re in Hershey, PA, and need help or have queries about your home insurance claim, feel free to contact Options Insurance Agency. We are here to help.

What Does Home Insurance Cover?

You love your house and have put a lot of money, time, and energy into it, so you want to ensure it is adequately protected. Our agents at the Options Insurance Agency serving the Hershey, PA area want you to know that the best way to protect your home is by having a home insurance policy in place.

What Does Home Insurance Cover?

You never know when a horrible event will happen, such as a fire, vandalism, or a natural disaster, which is why you should have an adequate amount of home insurance for your house.

You may be wondering what a home insurance policy covers. First, it will cover the structure of your house, including the walls, floors, and roof. You can obtain a home insurance policy covering other structures on your property, such as sheds, garages, and decks.

A home insurance policy will help you replace your personal belongings, furniture, electronics, appliances, and other items if a disaster occurs.

Another aspect of home insurance is that it can be helpful if someone is injured on your property. For example, if someone stops by to visit you and falls on the steps of your front porch and is injured, your home insurance policy can help pay their medical bills and other expenses. This type of liability coverage can even help you pay your legal fees if the person sues you in court.

Contact Options Insurance Agency

Home insurance is one of the most important policies to have when you are a homeowner. Call upon our agents at the Options Insurance Agency serving the Hershey, PA area today to create the best home insurance policy for you and your home.

What is the benefit of having home insurance in Pennsylvania?

Owning a home can be a great option in the Hershey, PA area. There are a lot of advantages that come with home ownership, including having a consistent place to live and owning an asset that could appreciate in value. While there are advantages to owning a home, you do need to ensure your home is covered and protected. One of the ways you can do this is with insurance. Full home insurance will provide various benefits for policyholders.

Coverage for Assets

An important reason that you will need to have a home insurance policy for their house is so they can cover the asset. A full home insurance plan covers the dwelling and your belongings. If you are a victim of fire, theft, or other covered risks, you will have support to replace or repair your home and personal items up to the policy limits.

Mitigate Liability Risks

Getting home insurance to offset your liability concerns would also be a great idea. There continues to be a risk that you could be named liable for an accident on your property. If this happens, the financial costs of covering damages can be significant. If you have a home insurance plan, you will have liability insurance to offset this risk. 

It will be essential for people in the Hershey, PA area to ensure they are properly covering their homes. When looking for a way to cover your property, contacting our team with the Options Insurance Agency would be a good idea. When you call our professionals with the Options Insurance Agency, you can get the support you need to understand your insurance options and build a policy that meets your needs. 

What Risks Are You Facing as a Home Owner Without Home Insurance?

Are you a homeowner, or are you thinking to become one? Then it would be best if you understood how important and necessary it is to have home insurance to protect your property and personal belongings. Many people decide to skip home insurance to save money. However, doing it is a bad idea, and here is why. 

Risks of Not Having Proper Home Insurance

If you decide not to carry home insurance for your property, here are the risks you may face:

  • Out-of-pocket costs. Home insurance aims to pay for damages and repairs to your home. If you do not have insurance, you must pay for everything yourself.
  • No liability protection. Home insurance also protects you as a homeowner if someone is injured at your home. You are responsible for all medical bills and legal charges without insurance coverage. 
  • Not being able to sell your home without insurance. If you ever decide to sell your home, it can be difficult, if not impossible, for you. Homes without insurance are undesirable for many homebuyers. Also, many realtors will not even show properties without home insurance. 

As you can see, having home insurance is a necessary and valuable investment in the long run. 

Options Insurance Agency Serving Clients in Hershey, PA

Are you a lucky homeowner in Hershey, PA, or any other nearby town? Are you looking for home insurance to protect your home? You should contact Options Insurance Agency. We specialize in many types of insurance, including home insurance. If you want to know more about the insurance options we offer or have other questions, feel free to contact us. 


Does Home Insurance Cover Severe Storm Damage?

Like much of the country, Hershey, PA sees its share of severe storms throughout the year. While many are a show of lightning or strong winds, others can cause minor to significant damage to your property. The question is, does your home insurance policy cover severe storm damage?

Coverage Range

According to the agents at Options Insurance Agency, several natural disasters are covered by standard home insurance policies. These include damage due to hail, wind (including tornadoes), or lightning. A typical home insurance policy also covers fires created by these natural occurrences.

What is not Covered?

The following issues aren’t covered in a policy for a Pennsylvania home:

  • Mudslides
  • Landslides
  • Floods resulting from storms
  • Earthquakes

You can obtain coverage for these issues by adding a rider to an existing home insurance policy. In the case of floods, your mortgage company may ask you to purchase insurance to cover this natural disaster if you live near a water source.

What if I Don’t Get a Rider?

Overall, you may not need a rider for the items mentioned above. For instance, if you live in an area that’s not near mountains or a river, you probably don’t need additional coverage for mudslides or floods. If you’re unsure, speak to an insurance agent for guidance.

In the end, protecting your home is of utmost importance, so you want to maximize your coverage of natural disasters. Work with representatives at Options Insurance Agency to determine the proper value to handle severe storm damage. Additionally, ask if there are any riders you should include in the policy. 

When will it be helpful to have home insurance in Hershey?

Those that reside in the Hershey, PA area can find it to be a great place to live. When you want to own a property in this area of the state, you also need to make sure that you are assessing all of your insurance needs properly. There are various situations when it can be helpful for someone to have home insurance when they are in this area. 

When Named in a Liability Claim

One situation when having home insurance will be a good idea is when you are named in a liability lawsuit. If there is an accident in your home that you are deemed responsible for, you could be held liable for damages incurred by the other party. If you do have home insurance, you should have insurance support to protect you against these types of claims. 

When You Incur Damages to your Property

You also will be happy to know that you have home insurance if you have incurred damages at your property. If your home has been damaged in any type of accident, the costs to fix your property can be significant. Fortunately, if you continue to maintain home insurance, you will have support to cover these costs. Your home insurance plan will give you coverage for losses you incurred for both your dwelling and your personal assets stored within it. 

If you have decided that you want to purchase a home in the Hershey, PA area, it would be a good idea for you to have coverage at all times. Those that are looking for insurance protection in this region should always call the Options Insurance Agency. The team with Options Insurance Agency can help you fully assess your options and choose a plan that will give the best support possible. 

Supplemental Insurance Policies for Your Home

As a homeowner, you want to maintain and protect your investment. A general homeowner’s insurance plan offers a wide range of coverage, from the structure of your home to personal belongings. However, there are some common exclusions to what your insurance policy may cover; exclusions that could ultimately have a negative financial impact should something happen to your home. 

There are countless supplemental insurance policies you can purchase that will offer additional protection for your home. Not only will these take effect in certain circumstances, but when difficulties arise, the homeowner won’t have to bear the financial weight alone. Knowing a policy in place gives homeowners peace of mind. Let the experts at Options Insurance Agency in Hershey, PA help you find the right supplemental policy!

Supplemental Insurance Policies to Consider for Your Home (H2)

Flood Insurance (H3)

One element that is excluded from all homeowner’s insurance policies is flood insurance. If you live in an area prone to flooding, this type of policy is a must. For those in low-lying coastal regions, hurricane insurance is an additional option. 

Most flood insurance policies cover a wide range of home flood situations. For instance, if a pipe bursts in your home, a flood insurance policy can offer coverage where your regular policy would not. Water damage takes a heavy toll on the home and the wallet. A flood insurance policy will bear the brunt of that impact.

Underground Service Line Coverage (H3)

Beneath your home and yard, there are numerous pipes and underground cables that transport water, waste, internet, and cable to your home. As the home and property owner, you are responsible for any damage done to these lines. Outside of your property line, it is the city’s responsibility.

Many homeowners find themselves in a bind after digging in the yard and breaking a pipe or cable. An underground service line supplement policy will help you bear the weight of the financial responsibility.

Understanding Home Insurance Personal Property Coverage

There’s nothing like the excitement of purchasing your first home. Part of homeownership is protecting your property. Home insurance from Options Insurance Agency offers coverage for both your Hershey, PA home and belongings to protect what’s important to you. Here’s what you should know about personal property coverage.

Understanding Personal Property Coverage

Personal property coverage protects your belongings. This includes your clothes, jewelry, furniture, appliances, electronics, artwork, gym equipment, and other personal items. Most policies cover perils like fire, theft, vandalism, storm damage, tornadoes, and other disasters. If these goods are damaged or lost in a covered peril, your property coverage will compensate you financially for your loss.

Actual Cash Value vs Replacement Cost Coverage

As a homeowner, you have a choice as to what kind of coverage to buy for your belongings. If you choose actual cash value coverage, you will be reimbursed for the cost of damaged goods after taking off for depreciation. Replacement cost coverage is a bit more expensive. However, it covers the cost of replacing your goods at current market value, without taking off for depreciation. If your goods are pricey, you may prefer replacement cost coverage to save you money on replacing lost or damaged items.

Protection of Posh Items

Standard home policies have limits on personal property coverage. These limits may be insufficient to fully protect posh items. If you own costly jewelry, original artwork, or other expensive goods, you may need extra insurance on top of your property coverage to fully protect these items. We recommend you get an appraisal for posh goods and purchase an endorsement to cover the cost of these valuables.

To learn more about personal property coverage or to purchase this coverage for your valuables, contact Options Insurance Agency. We serve residents in Hershey, PA, and surrounding communities.